In a shocking event, a person on call threatened to blow up the State Bank of India’s Mumbai office and warned of killing the bank chairman. The threat caller claimed to be from Pakistan, police told ANI on Friday.
The caller introduced himself as MD Jia-Ul-Alim and demanded a loan from the bank. He went a step ahead and warned the Bank staffs of blowing up the office along with kidnapping and even killing the Bank chairmen if his demand was not met. 
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“An unidentified person called up on the landline of the Nariman Point branch of SBI on October 13 at around 11 am and threatened. The caller called himself as MD Jia-Ul-Alim and said that he is speaking from Pakistan and that if he is not granted a loan at the earliest, he will kidnap the chairman of SBI and kill him. He also threatened to blow up the SBI office,” said a Mumbai Police official.
The management immediately contacted the Marine Drive Police Station and filed a complaint against the unidentified person.
Later, the police traced threat caller and informed that he made the call from West Bengal.
“We have traced the call to West Bengal and soon a team will visit the state and try to locate the caller. When we inquired with the bank, nobody with the caller’s name had even applied for a loan there,” said a police officer.
On the basis of the complaint, the Marine Drive Police have registered a case against the threat caller under section 506(2) of IPC. The police authority has informed that the investigation has begun and the accused will be caught soon.
State Bank of India is the country’s largest Public Sector Bank which has marked its presence in abroad as well. With its headquarter in Mumbai, Maharashtra, the bank currently enjoys 49th position in the list of world’s largest banks. The bank employs around 2,50,000 employees and has a 23% market share by assets. Moreover, the mega-bank has a 25% share of the total loan and deposits market.
(With inputs from ANI)
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